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Belle Grove is located in the northern Shenandoah Valley near Middletown, Virginia. It was the home Major Isaac Hite and his wife Nelly Madison Hite, sister of President James Madison. Major Hite, grandson of Shenandoah Valley Pioneer Jost Hite, used enslaved labor to expand his original 483 acres to a prosperous 7500 acre plantation, growing wheat, raising livestock, and operating a large distillery and several mills. The Manor House, completed in 1797, was the centerpiece of the property and is open for touring today. MORE

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December 31-March 14Closed for the Winter
Belle Grove is closed for the winter and will reopen on Saturday, March 15, 2025 from 10 a.m. -… more
January 1, 2025Save These Dates for 2025 Events!
2025 will be another great year at Belle Grove--save these dates!  more
Sunday, February 2, 1-3Native Plants on Nearby Hiking Trails
Come to a presentation by Richard Stomberg about the native plants you can discover on two Northern… more
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